Welcome. Thank you. Et cetera.
I’m an artist and photographer living in lush and diverse Asheville, NC with my wife and inspiration, Carrie. My work explores many mediums and subjects, as my interests have wandered. Please explore and hit me up for prints, custom works, or to say hi.
I’m an artist by day, with side gigs in IT consulting. The works on display here range 25 years, and I’m always expanding the portfolio so come back and/or watch the socials for updates. For constantly updating photos, follow my Flickr.
Until recently, my wife Carrie and I were fortunate to live on Sanibel Island, with a view of the southern beach. Most of my artwork displayed here was lost in Hurricane Ian, September 28, 2022. On that day 13-foot waves and storm surge went through our house and emptied the contents, leaving fragments scattered around the block and the rest washed out to sea. Shock and devastation don’t quite describe our emotional state upon seeing what was left of our home.
We persevered after the storm for a year, rebuilding our lives, but the grief and turmoil of the area was inescapable. We settled in Asheville near some close friends that relocated here after their home on Sanibel was also lost. North Carolina has proven to be a beautiful area with natural splendor and a lot of potential.
Shout out to Backblaze for sending me a hard drive with my server backup after the storm. Otherwise, I wouldn’t even have the scans to look back on. Not to mention wedding photos, taxes, etc.
My e-mail address:
Copyright © 2023 paul harmon | all rights reserved | thx: templatemo